Seriously Successful Resumes
Sunshine Coast
Privacy Statement
Your privacy is important to Seriously Successful Resumes.
It is our policy to respect the confidentiality of the information and the privacy of individuals. Seriously Successful Resumes is bound by the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (as amended) in Australia, and by the Information Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1993 in New Zealand.
We use the information provided directly from you so that we can communicate with you. When visiting our website, information is recorded (such as your browser, date, time and pages accessed) for statistical purposes and remains anonymous. Information you provide through this website is used only by Seriously Successful Resumes and is not sold or given to third parties.
What your Personal Information is:
Your Personal Information is any information about you. This would include your name, address, contact numbers and your work experience and qualifications, any degrees or additional qualifications, all of which you would disclose to us at the time of requesting and receiving a personally prepared resume.
We would not be collecting any additional personal information without your consent.
Sensitive information
Sensitive information is a special category regarding personal information under the Australian Privacy Act 1988. This can include membership of a Trade Association, trade union, criminal record, health or disability reason. As outlined in the Australian Privacy Act, this type of sensitive information, can, in most situations, only be disclosed with your consent.
Do we disclose any information to outside parties?
We do not sell, trade, or otherwise make available to any outside parties your personally identifiable information.
If you are requiring a resume to be used in possible employment in any other country other than Australia or New Zealand, then in requesting a resume from Seriously Successful Resumes, you are agreeing to the personal details policy outlined in this document.